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Frederic Alexander Roemschied

I'm a PhD scholar of the Research Training Group “Sensory Computation in Nervous Systems” at the BCCN Berlin. I investigate how small poikilothermic nervous systems can compensate for temperature effects on neuronal function. I work with conductance based neuron models and data from electrophysiological recordings.


  • 2010-present: Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin, Germany. International Research Training Group “Sensory Computation in Neural Systems”. Supervisors: Susanne Schreiber, Bernhard Ronacher.
  • 2006-2009: Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany. Physics diploma. Thesis title: “Development and Application of a Method for Functional Classification of Neurons”. Supervisors: Frank Bremmer, Bart Krekelberg (in whose lab I did my thesis research).
  • 2004-2006: RWTH Aachen, Germany. Physics Vordiplom (undergraduate studies).
  • 2002-2003: RWTH Aachen, Germany. Medical studies.


Roemschied FA, Eberhard MJB, Schleimer J-H, Ronacher B, Schreiber S (2014): Cell-intrinsic mechanisms of temperature compensation in a grasshopper sensory receptor neuron. eLife 2014;3:e02078 | pdf

Selected conference abstracts

  • Roemschied FA, Schleimer J-H, Eberhard M, Ronacher B, Schreiber S (2013). Cellular temperature compensation of sensory receptor neuron responses. Talk: Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Paris, France. abstract
  • Roemschied F, Eberhard M, Schleimer J-H, Ronacher B and Schreiber S (2012). Conductance-based mechanisms and metabolic cost of temperature-compensated spike-rates in single auditory receptor-neurons of the grasshopper. Poster: Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, New Orleans, USA. | abstract
  • Roemschied F, Eberhard M, Schleimer J, Ronacher B and Schreiber S (2012). Combining sensitivity analysis with dimensional stacking to identify and visualize functional dependencies in conductance-based neuron model data. Poster: Front. Comput. Neurosci. Bernstein Conference 2012, Munich, Germany | abstract
  • Roemschied FA, Eberhard M, Schleimer J, Ronacher B and Schreiber S (2012). Transduction effects on temperature-invariance of grasshopper auditory receptor neuron spike rates. Poster: 60 years of the Hodgkin-Huxley model, Trinity College, Cambridge, UK.
  • Roemschied FA, Eberhard MJB, Ronacher B, Schreiber S (2011). Single-neuron mechanisms of temperature compensation in the locust auditory system. Poster: Champalimaud Neuroscience Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Roemschied FA, Ronacher B, Eberhard MJ, Schreiber S (2011). Temperature differentially affects subsequent layers of auditory neurons in the locust. Poster: Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden | abstract
  • Roemschied F, Bremmer F and Krekelberg B (2009). Distinct functional populations within macaque area MT as revealed by waveform analysis. Poster: Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. Computational and systems neuroscience, Salt Lake City, USA | abstract


Roemschied F (2009). Development and Application of a Method for Functional Classification of Neurons. Diploma thesis: Philipps-University Marburg.

Schools attended

  • Hertie Winter School “Neural Coding in Sensory Systems”, Obergurgl, Austria (2012)
  • Spring School on Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Psychological Research, Bender Institute of Neuroimaging, Giessen, Germany (2008)
  • Borsellino College on Neurophysics, International Center of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (2007)

Grants and awards

  • FENS travel grant, CAJAL course, Lisbon, Portugal (2015)
  • Travel grant, CNS conference, Paris, France (2013)
  • Travel grant, “60 years of the Hodgkin-Huxley model”, Cambridge, UK (2012)
  • Travel grant, “Champalimaud Neuroscience Symposium”, Lisbon, Portugal (2011)
  • Poster award, CNS conference, Stockholm, Sweden (2011)
  • Competitive PhD scholarship, International Research Training Group “Sensory Computation in Neural Systems”, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany (2010-2013)
  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) travel grant (2008)


Tel.: +49-(0)30-2093-98414
Email: frederic.roemschied :AT: